Category: Uncategorized

The Greatest Showman

Dear visitors and my Dear friends, I don’t write in English much as there is not enough time usually. I thought it will only be a short post on FB but then realized it would be really a long one. So I have decided to write an article instead and then post it on FB for you. Last week...

Get ready, your wish can happen now… or not?

I am sitting in my car, driving to my favourite café as I am meeting my friend later. In the car, there is is perfect time for your affirmations and so I use this time for my inner talk and affirm what I want to achieve as if it was already done. And as I am used to coach...

Let the miracles come to you!

Maybe you are asking yourself the same question I asked myself in the past. Why don’t miracles happen to me more often?  Why is it that we don’t allow miracles into our lives? I have realised that the answer is simple. When We have a wish we think about how to make it happen, what could we do? how long should it take for the wish to happen?. We...

The mirroring effect

I had the thought the other day and as usually I just took my phone and recorded my flowing thoughts. Instead of translating it into my mother tongue, Czech, I had decided to publish it on youtube as my first attempt to write/publish in English. And here is the result 🙂