The Greatest Showman

JoeDear visitors and my Dear friends,
I don’t write in English much as there is not enough time usually.

I thought it will only be a short post on FB but then realized it would be really a long one. So I have decided to write an article instead and then post it on FB for you.

Last week I saw an amazing movie. I was really looking forward to that movie since I saw the trailer last month.

The movie is called The Greatest Showman, starring the great actor Hugh Jackman. You will soon discover why I have chosen to write about this movie.

When I saw the trailer in the cinema I was sitting in an amazement and something deep inside me (my intuition, I guess) told me this is about P.T. Barnum! And I was right :-). The trailer did it’s job well as I felt I must see this. But two years ago a better job was done by Joe Vitale when I read his book called There is a customer born every minute.
It was summer 2015 when I had this book delivered to Prague. Reading books has been the love of my life since I was a little girl.


Little did I know about P.T.Barnum when I opened Joe’s book. All I knew was that Joe Vitale is a great writer who really engages his readers.


Joe Vitale is one of the many teachers speaking in the movie The Secret. At the time of the movie and the book, 2006, I started to discover something big. While reading the book and then seeing the movie, I felt every word inside of my being. It felt like the truth. The first book I read about the Law of Attraction was The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy in 1996. At that time I was only 15 and even though I really liked it and applied some of it’s teachings, I soon forgot it again. It wasn’t until I watched The Secret when I started to be really crazy about metaphysics and the famous Law of Attraction.

Since the movie The Seccret I have come a long way to discover the secret behind the secret. And now I know there is much more than what is showen in the movie. I have read tuns of books on the subject and there are many amazing teachers like Neville Goddard or Florence Scovel Shinn to name a few. Even though I like the modern teachers like Jack Canfield or Bob Proctor, I believe that the best way to learn is to go to the roots.


But this article is not about Neville. It is about P.T Barnum and Joe Vitale. When I read the book There is a customer born every minute, I discovered that P.T. Barnum wasn’t only some guy managing a circus but thanks to Joe Vitale and his amazing hypnotic writing which keeps you engaged from the begginning to the end I learnt that P.T. Barnum was an amazing marketing person. He knew how to engage people, how to make their chin drop in amazement and how to shock them. Joe Vitale researched a lot before he wrote about Barnum and being a hypnotist himself, it’s really interesting to read his books. When I read Joe’s book Hypnotic writing, I was truly hypnotised. I read the book so fast and didn’t stop for a minute. I loved every word.

So when I then saw the trailer for The Greatest Showman, I was like a little girl. ‘I must see this one’, I thought to myself.

I saw the movie last week and the movie is amazing. I loved every minute of it. I smiled, I laughed, I cried, I was horrified, I was sad. I think the movie managed to awake every possible emotion in my body and mind. The movie wouldn’t be so enjoyable if I haven’t read the book and didn’t know anything about P.T. Barnum.

I believe most of the people watching the movie will not see what I saw.

So I do recommend this movie to everyone who is interested in business and the success. Go and watch the movie and if you are in the business, you must read the books by Joe Vitale which I mentioned above!

The messages I saw in the movie are thoughts I try to remember as much as possible and here they are:








If you employ all the above statements into your every day life, you will experience miracles all the time.

Small people dream small, big people dream big.

You choose who you want to be. And if you don’t like who you are now and what you have now, change it. The time to change anything is now! Any moment you can decide to start to be different person and live different life. The statement that people never change is false! So don’t limit yourself!!! The sky is the limit.



Eva Paclíková
Eva is a certified and experienced Relationship & Transformational Coach. She changes lives of people. Her dream and goal is to empower as many people as she can to create a better world for all of us. Eva is an author of the book Alfa bohyně (Alfa Goddess) which was written in her mother tongue, Czech, to empower women. As an experienced Coach she created online program for women Bohyně lásky and also a program about chakra healing.